Intention, focus, purpose, goal, direction—whatever you call it, it’s the mind's determination to channel energy toward a single target.
From early schooling to sports, and in our careers, we’re taught to set goals and focus on results. Yet, we're also conditioned to self-doubt, which can sabotage those very goals. Consciously and subconsciously, we are led towards second guessing and becoming our own biggest critic. Ever heard “get out of your own way”? Our mind is a powerful electrical system churning out non stop thoughts throughout our lives. Understanding how to tame our thought takes discipline and practice.
“Our intention creates our reality." Wayne Dyer
True intention is a purpose so strong that it clears the path to our desired reality. But how do you harness this power? Intention is having a purpose so strong that it will have the power to dismantle all mental road blocks and help us reach our desired reality. Follow along with me on how I learned and now apply the power of my intentional thoughts to experience the change in real time.
Incorporate the proven exercises below to see how the power of your thoughts improve your ability to focus and do it with such powerful intention that it manifests the desired results every time 100% of the time.
Get Clear on What You Want | Begin by calming your mind. Focus on a single desire, visualize it vividly, and let it push away distractions. Breathe deeply and center your thoughts. Train your mind and bring it back to where you want it to go. Visualize it expanding and pushing away all other distracting thoughts. Stop trying to figure out anything or justify the how and the why. No conditions attached wish granted. Yes, having clarity on what do you really desire is the primary step towards manifesting your intention.
Journal | Write your intention in the present tense, as if it’s already happening. Add vivid details, and speak it aloud. Create a vision board if you can. Get creative, put down the details. Now read it out loud so you can hear it as well? What emotions come up? How would it make you feel? Why do want it? What purpose will it serve? How does it make you feel? You might write and rewrite the wish list as you get more clarity on your desires.
“Believe in what you want so much that it has no choice but to materialize.” —Abraham Hicks
Believe It | Trust in the process. Feel as though your dream is already real. Belief is the key to materializing your intentions. Incorporate all five emotions. E: g So you wished for a new car? Great. Now, let’s get a the specifics – visualize the color and make (Sight-Vision), Interior of the car -leather, suede, how does it feel on your fingers and hand as you run it across (Touch-Tactile), as you get in- you are immersed in the new car smell (Smell-Olfaction), then you start the ignition and hear the engine roar to life (Hearing-Auditory), as you drive out you can taste the wind blow across celebrating your new ride (Taste-Gustation). Get the idea right?
Vision Board | Take it up a notch and create a visual with images and photos. Create a digital board and save it as your screen saver. Or have fun with magazines, flyers and photos and create your own collage. The excitement of bringing visuals on paper has shown to raise your vibrational frequency. You feel hopeful and more optimistic.
“Intention is the real power behind desire.” —Deepak Chopra
Gratitude | A grateful heart strengthens your intention. Ensure your intentions are pure, and the Universe will deliver them with abundance. It is said that an attitude of gratitude is one of the most important aspects for manifesting our intention. Is your intention to bring you love and joy by taking it away from someone else? Then the intention is not pure. Impurities in the frequency of your intention will render it weak. However, an intention set in motion with a grateful heart will give it infinite boost and show the Universe, you deserve it.
Detach from the outcome | Let go and trust that your intention is on its way. Live your life with excitement, knowing it will manifest in due time. When we are seated at a restaurant and order our favorite entrée or desert, we know it will be delivered by the server and if for any reason they are not able to they usually oblige with something even better. Why would we now doubt the Source God or Universe to not be to handle our request. Know that your order is getting processed for delivery very soon.
Practice these simple steps until you master your mind. Soon you will be rocking manifesting your intentions into reality. Just Trust!